If you're showing signs that you think might be an indication of prostate cancer it is important for you to get tested as soon as possible. If you're wondering how to check for prostate cancer there are several tests that your doctor can administer that can determine not only if you have developed it but also if you're at risk for it.

Your General Practitioner

You want to start with a visit to your GP. He or she will begin by giving you a general health exam and a blood test to measure the level of a prostate specific protein antigen that is found in your blood. Your doctor may also take a close look at the condition of your prostate gland.

The Blood Test

The PSA blood test will measure the protein levels produced by both normal prostate cells and those that are cancerous. If you have a high level of PSA in the blood sample, it is an indication that you have cancer but this is not always a definitive conclusion. More tests will likely need to be done. This is because there are other factors that could also cause an increase in the amount of this protein in your blood stream including urine infections and the treatments you may have taken to treat them.

Rectal Exams

Your doctor will also do a rectal exam and feel your prostate gland for lumps or hard areas of the prostate. He will be checking for any signs of abnormality that may indicate the presence of cancer. If he finds anything that might be suspected as being cancerous you will most likely be referred to a hospital for further and more extensive testing.

Hospital Testing

Hospitals are much more efficient when it comes to how to check for prostate cancer. They may perform a rectal ultrasound scan that can closely examine the entire prostate gland. This is called the trans rectal ultrasound or TRUS. A small ultrasound device will be inserted in your back passage that will produce sound waves that will create a picture of the full prostate gland so that any cancerous tissue can be seen.

They may also do an MRI scan that builds up an image of the inside of the body. This will show any areas of abnormality in the prostate. If anything is found through these forms of testing, the next step will be a needle biopsy where a sample of cells is taken and examined under a microscope.

While some of these tests may be uncomfortable they can be invaluable in identifying cancer early. It is a known fact that understanding how to check for prostate cancer is essential in helping you to maintain your health and catching the risks early enough to address the problem. If you are showing any signs that lead you to believe that you're at risk of developing prostate cancer, you need to see your general practitioner as soon as possible. By doing so, you can be assured that you've done everything you can to prevent this life threatening illness from taking over your life.