Psoriasis Causes and Psoriasis Medication

According to scientific research, approximately 10% of the general population carries at least one of the genes that result in a predisposition to psoriasis. Fortunately, out of this ten percent, only up to 3% will actually suffer from the disease. Researchers suggest that to develop psoriasis, the individual in question must not only have some of the genes that are known to cause the problem but also be regularly exposed to external factors considered to be triggers. It's worth noting that triggers for psoriasis are not universal and what may cause one individual's condition to flare up, may not have the same impact on another person. These are just some of the factors that are recognized as triggers or psoriasis causes.

A Skin Based Injury

Psoriasis can develop throughout areas of the body where the skin has suffered some form of damage or trauma. This is generally referred to as the Koebner phenomenon, and it can take place as a result of scratches, sunburns, and even routine vaccinations.

The Immune System

Your immune system acts as your body's primary defense against infection and disease. One of the main cells that is regularly used by the immune system is known as the T-cell. These cells travel throughout the body, fighting infections and damage. However, in people suffering from psoriasis, they can begin to attack healthy skin, causing the deeper layer of skin to produce new cells more frequently.


Unfortunately, one of the main psoriasis causes is your genes. This is an issue that runs regularly within families, and one in three people suffering from this problem has a close relative who experiences the same condition. Research has shown that a number of different genes can be linked to psoriasis development, and it is likely that a combination of different genes increases a person's chances of suffering from the condition.


Being overly stressed is one of the factors that can prompt psoriasis to flare up for the first time. It can also be a source of aggravation for problems that already exist. Sometimes, simply undertaking methods of relaxation and attempting to reduce your stress levels, will decrease your chances of suffering from psoriasis.

Certain Psoriasis Medications

Some kinds of medication have been observed to be psoriasis causes, including products such as:

Indomethacin: An anti-inflammatory drug that does not use steroids in the treatment of arthritis. In some cases, it has been found to make some cases of psoriasis to worsen. Usually, this medication can be substituted with others if you begin to suffer from such problems.

Lithium: This medication is typically used to treat psychiatric disorders such as manic depression, and aggravates psoriasis symptoms in approximately 50% of patients.

Quinidine: A medication used for heart problems, this has been reported to make some cases of psoriasis worse.

Inderal: Medication used to alleviate the symptoms of high blood pressure. It has an effect on psoriasis about 30% of the time it is used. Currently, it's hard to tell whether all medications for high blood pressure have the same impact on psoriasis sufferers.