Swollen and painful joints should be treated carefully, especially with rheumatoid arthritis. There are many treatments for rheumatoid arthritis, including medications, creams, fish oil treatments, and resting. However, exercise can be a very beneficial rheumatoid arthritis treatment for the pain and swelling that comes along with rheumatoid arthritis. When you are in pain, exercise and physical activity can be the last thing you want to do. You should try to do daily exercises, because they have been proven to help relieve the symptoms, as well improve day-to-day functioning. Always talk to your doctor before beginning any exercise routine, because you may have to start out at a slower pace, and some exercises may not be right for your type of rheumatoid arthritis.

One of the best exercise options for most people with diseases or conditions is to walk. It is a low impact type of exercise that does not require a lot of energy. Start slowly and increase the pace and distance over time. Walking also helps your heart, which can be a complication that comes along with rheumatoid arthritis. Walking can help with aerobic conditioning and can help with mood, which helps people have a better outlook on life. Being in constant pain can make a person sad, or not want to take measures to treat their illness, and walking helps with this side effect. You can also try biking on a stationary bike. It keeps your heart going, as well as putting less strain on your body.

Exercising in water is one of the best things a person with rheumatoid arthritis can do. It is gentle on painful joints because the water helps support your weight. This reduces the amount of stress on joints. You should try exercising in warm water because it helps reduce stiffness, much like putting heat on swelled joints does. This is also an exercise that provides a natural resistance so you can get an aerobic and strengthening workout.  You can add water weights once you have gotten strong enough, or if you want more of a challenge.

Try doing different flexibility exercises. These types of exercises move your joints, which are called range-of-motion. These exercises stretch your muscles and can ease stiffness. They also boost joint and muscle flexibility to prevent injury. Try stretching your arms to your toes, and reaching up as high as you can go. You should also try doing these stretches before a workout in order to prevent any injury while working out.

You can also try doing strength training. You can lift weights that are about 1-2 pounds, or use a resistance band to build and maintain muscle mass. This will keep you strong and keep your joints stable. You should do these types of exercises every other day.

Try working out with a friend, and do exercises that are fun for you. If you try and work out with a friend, you will have more motivation to work out and keep moving. If you are doing exercises that you enjoy will make it easier to get up and work out. Make sure to consult your doctor first before beginning any exercise routine.