Around 40% of people develop sciatica at some point in their life. This happens when the sciatic nerve, which travels from the lower spine through the buttocks and pelvis, becomes irritated. It is important to understand the sciatica symptoms & relief in buttocks options, so that you can recognize it and make it feel better.

Sciatica Symptoms & Relief in Buttocks:

When something puts pressure on the sciatic nerve, it can cause shooting pain anywhere from the thigh to the buttocks. How this pain is experienced varies, with some people having just a mild ache, while others have a completely numb leg. It is quite common for the pain to become worse if a certain position is maintained for a prolonged period of time. Various relief options exist, depending on how bad the sciatica is.

1. Medication

Various medications can be used for sciatica symptoms & relief in buttocks, including:

– NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) and other over-the-counter pain killers

– Prescription drugs to reduce muscle spasms

– Antidepressants if the pain is chronic and in the lower back

– Prescription pain killers

– Steroid injections in the spinal nerve, although this is generally only offered in cases of ruptured or herniated discs

2. Physical Therapy

It can be difficult to be active if you have sciatica. However, bed rest will generally make it worse. Instead, you need to find out which activities you are capable of doing. Physical therapy is usually recommended in persistent cases of sciatica without severe pain to help make the condition better, or to prevent it from worsening or even returning. Which exercises you will have to do will vary depending on your individual case. You must follow the instructions of your physical therapist to the letter.

3. Alternative and Complimentary Therapies

Various alternative and complimentary therapies are said to provide relief. Popular options include acupuncture and biofeedback. However, there is no scientific evidence to prove that these therapies are effective.

With biofeedback, bodily processes like muscle tension, blood pressure, and heart rate are shown using a machine, allowing individuals to gain a greater understanding of which of their actions have an impact on those functions. Biofeedback has been shown to be very effective in treating stress and conditions relating to it.

With acupuncture, fine needles are placed on key areas of the skin, which are along certain channels or meridians. It is believed that these meridians allow for the flow of "qi", or life energy. It is believed that pain only happens when there is an imbalance in the qi flow, or if it is blocked. Through acupuncture, balance can be restored and blockages removed. Scientifically speaking, acupuncture has been shown to stimulate certain elements of the central nervous system, which means chemicals can be released that change how pain is experienced, or that increase overall well being.

4. Surgery

In a very small percentage of people, surgery is required to treat sciatica. These people have had persistent pain for at least six weeks that does not respond to treatment. A referral to a specialist will then be offered to determine whether surgery is an option.