Shoulder pain can be caused by a range of different issues, and all of these issues will have different treatment options as well. Some of the causes of shoulder pain include poor posture, injuries, and health conditions, treated by rest, pain killers, and prescription medication. In this article, we will look closely at the various causes of shoulder pain and treatment options.

Understanding the Causes of Shoulder Pain and Treatment Options:

1. Frozen shoulder, or adhesive capsulitis, whereby the shoulder becomes painful and stiff, making it hard to complete the normal range of movements. It happens because of a tightening, swelling, and thickening of the shoulder joint's surrounding tissue. This condition usually advances slowly.

2. Rotator cuff disorders, whereby the tendons and muscles around the shoulder's joint are affected. Symptoms include pain, particularly when lifting the arm, usually felt at the side and front of the shoulder. The pain usually becomes worse at night. Rotator cuff disorders include bursitis and tendonitis, and also rotator cuff syndrome.

3. Tears in the tendons or muscles, causing weakness and severe pain, sometimes with a popping sensation. This is most common in those aged 40 or over, unless caused by accidents. Around 50% of people over the age of 60 are believed to have some tears in their rotator cuff.

4. Shoulder instability, when the ball of the joint doesn't move properly in its socket. This can feel like it catches or slips, and some people can fully dislocate their shoulder. This instability can be either traumatic or atraumatic.

5. Acromioclavicular joint disorders, including osteoarthritis, stretching or tearing the ligament, and dislocation. This leads to pain and limited movement. This is common in people between the age of 20 and 50, and particularly if they have fallen on their shoulder.

In terms of all these reasons for shoulder pain, treatment may require seeing a specialist such as an orthopedic surgeon or a rheumatologist. Other treatments, some of which do not require a physician, including:

– Using ice packs

– Rest

– Over the counter pain killers

– Anti-inflammatory medication

– Hydrodilatation

– Physiotherapy

– Surgery

When looking at the causes of shoulder pain and treatment options, however, simple overexertion is the usual culprit so treatment has to deal with this. This means that you may have used your shoulder too much during a certain activity, or moved it in the wrong way. Most of the time, this does not require any medical attention, and you should be able to treat it at home with home remedies and over the counter pain killers. However, if the pain is persistent and does not respond to treatment, if the pain is severe and resulted from an injury, or if the pain is very severe and has no discernible cause, you should seek medical attention. If you are ever unsure about the cause of pain in your shoulder or how to treat it, speaking to a physician is always a good idea. This is also because it can be caused by underlying health conditions, including arthritis, osteoporosis, or diabetes to name but a few. It is always better to have things checked out to rule out more serious problems and conditions.