There are many different forms of cancer, some of which only affect one gender. Testicular cancer, for instance, can only affect men. While not a very common form of the disease, it is still important for men to be aware of the signs and symptoms of testicular cancer. One of the reasons why this is so important, is because there are a number of signs and symptoms that can be quite misleading, masking themselves as potentially other problems. At the same time, other symptoms are very clear indicators of a testicular problem. Either way, if a man ever suspects that he has testicular cancer, he should seek advice from his physician as soon as possible to find out what is really going on.

Common Signs and Symptoms of Testicular Cancer:

Some of signs and symptoms are often seen in people with testicular cancer and often indicative of a more serious problem. The most common signs and symptoms of testicular cancer include:

  • Dull pain in the groin, lower back, or lower abdominal area
  • Lumps or swellings in one or both testicles

Neither of these symptoms automatically means that you have testicular cancer, however. Similarly, you may have completely different symptoms and still have this type of cancer. Some people experience pain, swelling, and lumps, other people do not. At the same time, it is possible that men experience those symptoms but something different from cancer might be present.

Need to Seek Medical Attention:

This is one of the reasons why it is so important that, if you do experience anything out of the ordinary with your testicles, you have to seek medical attention. For instance, you may have developed varicocele, which means that one of the veins in the scrotum has become enlarged and perhaps even twisted. This could potentially lead to tissue death and requires immediate treatment. It is equally possible that you have orchitis, which means that the testicles have a bacterial infection leading to inflammation. A simple course of antibiotics is often all that is necessary to resolve this particular condition.

Other Possible Causes of the Signs and Symptoms of Testicular Cancer:

In the vast majority of cases, the signs and symptoms of testicular cancer are actually caused by far more benign and far less serious conditions than cancer. And if it is cancer, it is actually highly treatable so long as it has been caught early enough. That being said, testicles should never be lumpy, painful, swollen, or anything other than normal. Hence, if you experience something that seems to be “not quite right”, you should have it checked out. In the vast majority of cases, you will find that simple treatment of antibiotics or other types of medication is all that is needed. Should it be found that there is something more sinister going on, you will have likely caught it long before it can cause any more significant problems. Most people with testicular cancer go on to live a full, healthy, and happy life and the survival rate of five years is the highest for all forms of cancer, which is certainly good news for men with this type of cancer.