If you're someone who is prone to gout, that painful inflammation that occurs in the joints, you're probably very watchful of the kinds of foods you eat. For the person who has to cope with frequent bouts of gout you already know that the condition is caused by an accumulation of uric acid crystals in the affected area. A single flare up can last for days or even months disrupting normal activities of life for the duration. For that reason, many are always on the watch for any foods that contain uric acid.

1.) Scallops

One type of foods that are high in uric acid and can quickly lead to flare-ups is seafood, especially scallops. These are high in purines, which your body will automatically break down into uric acid once it enters your system. If you're not in the throes of a flare-up at the time you may have a little leeway and can afford to eat a little but keep your portions small and avoid them entirely if you're already experiencing symptoms of gout. Still, even during the good times, it may be a good idea to limit the amount of meat and seafood you consume regularly. Try to keep it to a minimum of 4-6 ounces a day. Other seafoods to be extra cautious of are herring, tuna, and anchovies.

2.) Beer

It may be surprising to think that beer can be a culprit behind your gout but when you consider that it not only increases your intake of uric acid but it also makes it more difficult to eliminate it from the body you'll understand why you should avoid it. When considering foods that contain uric acid, alcohol of any kind can be a big no-no. And those prone to gout should be extra careful. Still, if you feel you would like to have an occasional drink some time, doctors recommend wine as the better option.

3.) Red Meat

Meat can be a great source of protein but some contain more purines than others. If you have to have meat in your diet, the preferable choice is white meat over the red. Red meats tend to have a very high purine content that can almost guarantee that you'll have a uric acid build up in your system if you eat them on a regular basis. Doctors recommend that you're better off eating white meat and keeping beef and pork as an occasional indulgence.

4.) Poultry

Most poultry like turkey or goose are very high in purines so it would be wise to try to avoid them altogether. If you must have poultry, chicken and duck are considered the safest but try to limit your choices to leg meat rather than the breast or the skin.

So, when it comes to learning the foods that contain uric acid it is just as important to know what foods to eat as it is what foods to avoid. Gout can be a very unpleasant experience but when you're not in pain it is easy to forget the painful symptoms these foods can cause. But by planning your meals well, even during the good times you can stave off another flare up for quite a while.