There are 3,952,841 births every year. Amongst the many exercises women can adopt to facilitate a healthier birth, ten health benefits of doing yoga during pregnancy will be discussed.

1.) Lowers Stress

The first benefit is that yoga can help lower a woman's stress level by allowing them to focus on their breathing. According to Hilaria Baldwin, a yoga instructor, the best thing for women to do during pregnancy is to have a low stress levels. Baldwin says that women can learn how to get in touch with themselves through yoga.

2.) Relieves Pain

The second benefit is that it can relieve pain in pregnant women's back, chest, hips, neck, shoulders and back. These areas receive the most stress while a baby is growing. Women have more of a lower back curve because of their belly size. They have tighter hips because of the weight of the baby.

3.) Prepares For Labor

The third benefit is to prepare women for labor. While people complete their yoga poses, they are using conscious breathing by focusing on each breath. This manner of breathing transitions into labor by knowing how to become comfortable with something that is uncomfortable. When women breathe in, they are thinking about the tension that they feel. When they breath out, they let go of that tension.

4.) Helps Stay In Shape

A fourth benefit is that it can help mothers-to-be stay in shape. Yoga is a safe alternative to other more intense exercises that are usually not recommended for pregnant women. It can help them burn calories and increase flexibility.

5.) Improves Balance

The fifth benefit of yoga is that it will improve women's balance both physically and emotionally. Women are physically controlling their balance by their growing child and emotionally managing their balance by having an increase in estrogen as well as progesterone.

6.) Creates Self Awareness

The sixth benefit is for women to have an awareness of their own body's needs. Elena Brower, founder of the yoga franchise Virayoga, says that when women choose to take time to care for themselves by choosing yoga, they are more aware of what their body needs and bond with their baby.

7.) Increases Circulation

The seventh benefit not only helps women but their baby as well by increasing circulation. When women complete yoga poses, they are increasing their circulation, which decreases swelling and raises immunity.

8.) Promotes Good Health

The eighth benefit of yoga is that it promotes good health in women and their children. According to the Mayo Clinic, this large benefit can range from decreasing prenatal depression and improving sleep, to decreasing nausea as well as back pain.

9.) Helps Calm The Nervous System

Yoga during pregnancy can help women calm their nervous system, which is the ninth benefit. While women are practicing deep breathing during their yoga session, their nervous system shifts to the parasympathetic mode. The parasympathetic mode allows the body to relax, which can make women sleep better. It can also make their digestive system work better as well as lets their immune system work at peak efficiency.

10.) Helps Increase Stamina & Strength

The final benefit is for women to increase their stamina and strength. While babies grow, women need more energy and strength to carry the added weight. Yoga poses can increase in strength in a woman's arms, shoulders, back and hips.

Ultimately, yoga is a practical, safe and an effective way of increasing health and happiness in pregnant women.