Everyone enjoys a beautiful garden around the house but they don’t always have the space for it. Apartment dwellers or those with a small yard may not have the luxury of digging up space for an in-ground garden. This is where elevated gardens come in handy. They are a good alternative to having a plot of land to grow your favorite plants. They are simple to build and can be done in a single afternoon if you’re willing to get your hands a little dirty. Below are some simple steps to teach you how to build elevated garden beds.

Gather Your Tools & Supplies

To build the garden it is preferable to use cedar wood at least 2 times that of whatever length you have space for. To complete the corners, use 4″ x 4″ boards are perfect and you should cut them to 10″ above what you believe the finished bed will be at. You will also need to purchase fastenings. To make sure your bed is solid, you should use 3- to 5-inch #10 deck screws, which have an exterior coating, and use 6 screws as a minimum in each corner of the box. Furthermore, you will need two screws so that the mid-span post can stay in place. 1/2-inch aluminum flat stocks are perfect for the cross supports. These can be found in the usual hardware stores and they are also very easy to cut and drill holes in. For tools, make sure that you have a handsaw, a square, a level, a mallet, screwdriver, hacksaw and a drill.

Building Your Garden

Once you’re sure you know how to build elevated garden beds start by cutting and assembling the frame. It is best to work where you want to garden to be located so you won’t have to move it later. Once all the pieces are cut to size, you will be ready to put the corner posts into position, fixing the boards into place. It’s best to cut the posts longer so you can make adjustments later if you need to. Drive the corner posts a couple of inches into the ground itself, making sure the frame is screwed in position. Once that is completed, fill in the sideboards all the way down to the ground so that the tops are flush to the sides. Then use your saw to cut down any parts that stick up creating an even result.

The cross-bracing now needs to be added. Should your garden will be less than 8′ long or 18″ tall you can skip this step. Cross-bracing is there to stop the bed from bending or sagging near the center. For this part of the job, you should use the flat stock made from aluminum, making sure it is the exact width of the bed. Now, use your drill to create a hole at both ends and fixing it into position with a 1″ screw, preferably stainless steel. You are now ready to fill the bed with your chosen soil, and you will be good to go.

It is not hard to learn how to build elevated garden beds that can fit in just about any available space. By taking the time to learn a few simple steps everyone can have a garden in their home. So whether your preference is beautiful flowers, herbs, or vegetables, it is possible to enjoy the outdoors even if you have a limited amount of space to play in.