The cold winter months can make a normally cozy home cold and frigid. Using the heater is an option, yet it can be expensive. Learning how to stay warm without turning on the heat can help keep energy costs low during the winter.

Wearing warm clothes indoors can help a person stay warm without a heater. Thick socks, hats and multiple layers of clothing can help a person avoid the chill inside the home as well. In addition, once indoors, remove any wet clothes immediately. Water conducts heat away from the body 25 percent faster than air, so wearing dry clothes is key.

In order for the human body to properly regulate body heat, adequate hydration is necessary. Drinking plenty of water and warm soups can help a person stay hydrated. Avoid consuming alcohol and caffeine which can cause dehydration. Proper nutrition can also help to warm the body by providing calories to help regulate body temperature.

Lighting a fire in the fireplace is an inexpensive option for warming a home. Use fire-safe wood and extreme caution when lighting the fire. If the home has a fireplace and starting a fire isn't an option, make sure that no cold air is coming through into the home via the chimney. This can be done by closing the damper on the chimney completely. For extra protection, inflatable chimney products are available at local home improvement stores. These products fit snug inside the chimney and don't allow any cold air to come through into the home.

Closing the doors of unused rooms in the home can also help keep a home warm without the heater. Using a rolled-up towel or installing weather stripping on the bottom of doors helps by preventing cold drafts from blowing indoors.

During the day, opening window curtains to let the sunlight in can naturally warm the home. At night, close the curtains. Additionally, special curtains made with thermal lining can be purchased and installed to keep a home warm. These curtains work by helping to insulate the windows, keeping warm air inside.

Preparing slow-cooking roasts, soups, and stews can help keep a home warm with the heat emanated from the oven and cook top. Eating warm foods can also help a person stay warm from the inside out.

Moving around by cleaning and exercising helps to get the blood flowing inside the body. More blood flow equates to higher body temperatures. When it's time to go to sleep, exercising isn't an option to stay warm, so bringing a warm item to bed can help. Old-fashioned hot water bottles can be filled with hot water and used for warmth at night. Microwaving socks that are filled with rice or beans and tied into a knot can also be useful. Use caution and microwave the socks in 30 second intervals until desired heat is achieved. Place by the foot of the bed to keep feet warm at night.

When winter approaches with its low temperatures, it is possible to keep energy bills low as well by not using the heater. Proper clothing and small home improvements can go a long way towards staying warm without having to turn on the heat.