Choosing the right CDL truck driver training is an important step on your career path. There are a lot of things that you must consider carefully to make sure that you find the right training program to match your specific goals. Aside from the type of school and their method of training, you also have to consider the quality of their equipment, their location, and their demands. There are a lot of factors to weigh and there are pros and cons on all sides. Here are a few things you need to think about before you get started.

The Contract

It is extremely important that you fully understand everything that will be expected of you as outlined in the contract. In a company run school the length of the contract could be anywhere from 1 to 2 years but the course they offer may be only for 6 to 8 weeks. With these types of schools, you may not have to pay anything up front, but you will often have to pay a monthly payment once you've obtained your license and been officially hired. This might seem like a good plan at first, especially if you are short on funds and you don't have the $3,000-5,000 you need to get your foot in the door.

With this type of contract, however, there are a few things you need to be watchful for. What will you have to do if you decide to leave the company before your term is completed? Chances are you'll have to pay them for your training and perhaps a penalty as well. The reality is that you will be tied to that company in one way or another until that contract is fulfilled. This arrangement may work for some people but for others you might want to rethink this type of CDL truck driver training.


The next thing you should think about is the equipment you'll be trained on. There are many different types of trucks and some school equipment may not be in the best condition. Schools that are struggling may have trucks that are old and outdated making it hard to keep abreast of the new technologies that are in trucks today. This will have you lacking in vital information when you need it the most. Some schools' trucks may be run on automatic transmissions while others are on manual transmissions. Choosing a school that does not offer training on a variety of equipment could put you at a disadvantage when it comes to employment opportunities later on.

Your choice of CDL truck driver training program deserves careful consideration on a number of different issues. When you think about it you're launching an entirely new career that could carry you for many years. Take your time and analyze your options very carefully to make sure that the decision you make will be one that you can live with for the next few years. Once you know exactly what is involved it will be easy to make the right decision.