Money is not everything, but it is essential to everyone. When you have money, you have freedom. It allows you to buy anything you want and it lets you go anywhere you want. However, money isn't something you just pick up anywhere. You have to work for it and it's a lot easier spending money than earning money.

What you earned in a month or in a year or even in a lifetime, you can easily spend in a single moment. We need to think harder how we are going to spend our hard-earned money. When you have overspending tendencies; there is going to be a problem. Learn how to stop overspending.

Before you can resolve overspending tendencies, you need to admit that you have a problem. You tend to overspend. You are addicted to it. Acceptance is the first step on how to stop overspending. Face the problem, if you deny it, what is there to resolve in the first place?

Once you have acknowledged your problem, what is the next thing to do to learn how to stop overspending? Know how much your resources are and make a list of all your expenses. Where did your income go? What are the things you bought? From your list, you will see the reasons why you are overspending.

You need to make a plan on how to stop overspending. Give yourself a budget of what you can spend. You have to prioritize the bills that need to be paid. Everything that you have to buy in a week’s budget must be listed. Actual amounts will only be determined after you bought them so it would be safe to overestimate.

If there is something major to buy, check out the prices of the item from several stores and compare which is the best deal before purchasing. If there is something you are not quite sure if you need to buy or want to buy, give yourself some time to think. Do you really need it or do you just want it? If you practice this habit, you will eventually learn how to stop overspending.

From the list of expenses that you initially made, you will see that there are many unnecessary purchases that you have made. Eliminate those unnecessary purchases because they will add up quickly. If there is not a need to go to shopping, then simply don’t go. Think of somewhere else you can go without having to spend money unnecessarily.

Change your lifestyle. It has to fit under your means. Spend only what you have and not what you wish you have. Look for cheaper alternatives. Just because you want to spend money on something doesn't mean it's going to make you happy. There are things that you can do for free like exercising. You will find many things that you purchased, which were left unused for a long time. From there you will see the outcome of your previous overspending habits and realize you really need to learn, understand and practice how to stop overspending.