The Employer Identification Number (EIN) is a very important number that is used by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) as a way to identify specific tax administration affairs for certain types of businesses. There are many different guidelines for EIN number lookup, but they start with understanding whether you have cause to look one up anyway, i.e. finding out whether you need an EIN. The EIN is not to be confused with the Social Security Number (SSN), even though both are nine digit numbers. The EIN is expressed as 12-3456789, whereas the SSN is expressed as 123-45-6789.

Some Guidelines for EIN Number Lookup:

First of all, you only need to lookup an EIN number if you meet one of the following criteria. First of all, you need to be the type or organization that actually uses these numbers in their communications with the IRS or with the Social Security Administration (SSA). This means you must be:

– A certain individual

– A government agency

– An estate of decedents

– A trust

– A nonprofit organization

– A partnership

– A corporation

– A sole proprietor

– An employer

– Certain other types of business entities

However, not all of the above will require an EIN. If you give tax statements to annuitants or employees, or if you report employment taxes, then you need an EIN. So, not only do you have to be one of the above, you must also:

– Have employees that you pay

– Operate your business as a partnership or corporation

– File the Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms, the Excise, or the Employment tax return

– Withhold taxes on nonresident alien income taxes other than their wages

– Currently have a Keogh plan

– Be one of specific types of organizations as listed by the IRS and the SSA

If you need an EIN but you are not sure whether you have one, or whether it is up to date, the following guidelines for EIN number lookup may be of benefit to you.

Three Tips or Guidelines for EIN Number Lookup:

There are three methods to use in order to lookup an EIN:

1. Apply online, in which case your EIN will immediately be issued for you and it will instantly be ready for use.

2. Apply by fax by completing Form SS-4, which is Application for EIN. It will take them around four business days to fax your EIN back to you.

3. Complete Form SS-4 and send it by mail, in which case it can take around four weeks for the application to be processed, after which your EIN will be sent to you through regular mail.

If your EIN is misplaced or lost, you can speak to the IRS to have it retrieved for you. However, you must be listed as authorized to receive EIN information. The best way to obtain it is by telephoning 1-800-829-4933, which is the Business & Specialty Tax Line and ask them to search for it. If you have multiple EINs for one business, but you don't know which one is the right one, you can also telephone the IRS on the same number to have it clarified.