Category: Atherosclerosis

What You Need To Know About Atherosclerosis

What you need to know about atherosclerosis is that it is a type of arterial disorder, in which the walls of the artery thicken because of buildup of white blood cells and fat. This buildup becomes plaque over time, and it generally stays where it is formed, unless a piece breaks off, flows through the blood vessels and get stuck somewhere else, potentially causing a blockage.

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7 Foods To Avoid When You Have Atherosclerosis

Eating a significant amount of foods that are rich in fat and other dangerous substances can increase your bad cholesterol level and cause problems with atherosclerosis to become worse. Here, we’ll look at 7 foods to avoid when you have atherosclerosis, to help you reduce your risk of a stroke, heart attack, or heart disease.

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Atherosclerosis Risk Factors, Symptoms And Prevention

Atherosclerosis is the hardening of arteries due to cell damage in the endothelium. The endothelium acts as a wall for cells in the artery, and protects them. Once the wall is damaged, anything in the blood stream can make its way in and cause a blockage. Cholesterol buildup, for example, will become plaque, and this blockage will lodge itself in an artery and result into a high risk for heart attack and stroke.

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Atherosclerosis Stages And How Its Prevented

Sometimes known as “hardening of the arteries”, atherosclerosis occurs when calcium and cholesterol build up within the artery wall, forming plaque. Over time, the calcium and fat buildup narrows down the arteries and impedes the flow of blood.

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5 Natural Treatments For Severe Atherosclerosis

When it comes to eradicating the damage resulting from arterial hardening, you should take the advice of your physician and observe traditional medical treatments. If you want to go above and beyond, here are 5 natural treatments for severe atherosclerosis that you can ask your doctor about.

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Atherosclerosis: Causes, Signs, Symptoms And Treatments

Atherosclerosis occurs when arteries begin to narrow and harden. This can occur anywhere in the body, but is most commonly seen in the legs and heart. The disease can lead to further heart conditions, such as blockages and clots, which may rupture to cause a stroke or heart attack.

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