High cholesterol levels have been known to increase the risk of heart attacks and stroke. However, there are several methods of treatment that can significantly improve their numbers. These treatments usually come in the form of diet, weight control, regular exercise, and medications. While each person may differ when it comes to recommended LDL cholesterol treatment, the best options will usually be a combination of these components below.


When it comes to managing your diet, it is just as important to include the right nutrition plan, as it is to avoid the bad choices. Nutritionists generally will recommend that your diet include foods like fish oil, soy protein, and plant stanols and sterols. Fish oil contains essential fatty acids that can help to reduce triglyceride levels, which have been directly related to coronary heart disease. The isoflavones in soy protein actually mimic estrogen in the body. Diets that are rich in soy can effectively lower cholesterol levels. Plant sterols can also help to lower cholesterol levels. While doctors may not understand exactly how they work, it is believed that they block the absorption of cholesterol in the intestinal tract.

Weight Control:

Those who may struggle with controlling their LDL levels may be able to lower their number by finding ways to manage their weight. If they are overweight, simple strategies for LDL cholesterol guidelines & treatments like reducing saturated fats in their diet and regular exercise can make a huge difference over time. This along with other lifestyle changes can help many people to keep their cholesterol numbers low.


If you are struggling with high cholesterol levels, chances are that your doctor will recommend the above listed lifestyle changes as the primary option for controlling your level. However, if these natural methods do not prove effective, he or she may prescribe mediation to help you to lower cholesterol level. There are several medications you can try, each one targets a specific lipid and works in a different way. You may have to go through a period of trial and error to find the right medication for you. Choices include:

1. Statins

These are powerful drugs and are often found to be the most effective. We get cholesterol from the foods we eat but our bodies also produce it naturally. Statins lower the body’s natural production of cholesterol so that you are less likely to have an overabundance.

2. PCSK9 Inhibitors

This is a newer class of drugs that can lower your LDL levels by as much as 70%. These are usually given by injection over two to four weeks. While success with these inhibitors is very positive, more knowledge of their long-term effectiveness is needed. It is still a relatively new drug and experts agree more study is still needed.

There are other LDL cholesterol guidelines treatments. Since every patient is different, the best choice for your particular case can best be determined with a consultation with your doctor and regular testing. Struggling with high cholesterol can be a challenge for many people, however, for those who win the battle against high cholesterol their prognosis for the future is often very promising.