Sleep apnea is a form of sleep disorder that takes place when a person has his or her natural breathing rhythm interrupted during a period of sleep. People who suffer from this disorder but do not realize it and thus it remains untreated might find that they regularly stop breathing during their sleep, and this can actually happen to a person hundreds of times per night. Unfortunately, the interruption of breathing could mean that your brain as well as other muscles in your body are not getting the correct amount of oxygen.

The two different types of apnea that have been recognized in medical society today are obstructive sleep apnea and central sleep apnea. The first type can be caused by a blockage in the airwaves, usually when the tissue in the rear of the throat moves during sleep. On the other hand, people with central sleep apnea find that their brains are unable to send the correct signals to their muscles to tell them to breathe when they are sleeping.

Causes of Sleep Apnea

Although it is possible for anyone to suffer from sleep apnea, it is worth noting that some people will have a higher level of risk based on a range of risk factors. For example, you may be more likely to have this kind of sleep disorder if you are male, overweight, and have a family history of people with sleep apnea. On the other hand, it can also be more common in people who are:

– Over the age of fifty, smoke, and have high blood pressure
– An individual with a neck circumference that is more than 40 cms
– A Pacific Islander, Hispanic, or African American

There are also a number of physical attributes that can put you at greater risk of obstructive sleep apnea, and these include enlarged adenoids and tonsils, a receding chin, or a deviated septum. You may even find that your airway fails to work properly during sleep because your muscles relax more than they should.

Treatments for Sleep Apnea

Although many people consider the diagnosis of sleep apnea to be worrisome, it’s worth noting that this condition can be treated. In fact, you can do a number of things to help yourself if you suffer from this kind of sleep disorder, such as avoiding alcohol and caffeine, and maintaining regular hours of sleep. Losing weight can also be one of the best things a person can do to avoid this disorder.

On the other hand, if your sleep apnea is quite severe and self-help options aren’t having the expected results, then you might need to get further treatment. These treatments may include treating the underlying problems that are causing it, and using tools to help you sleep during the night. For instance, treatments might involve the use of implants and surgery, dental devices, or breathing devices that you use to get enough oxygen as you sleep.

Importantly, medications are only available to help with the sleepiness that can accompany sleep apnea, and are not actually designed to assist with the underlying condition or the problem in itself.